Sunday, March 17, 2013

Thespian Competition!

Hey guys!

So, my thespian troupe went to State Comp. in February. Guess what? WE GOT CRITIC'S CHOICE!! Some of you reading this probably don't know what that is. Well, when we compete, our troupe goes on stage and performs our act, whether it's a duet scene, a solo, or a pantomime. We were doing a large group musical called "The Circle of Life." You probably have heard of it. Its from "The Lion King." Anyway, the judges pick their favorite act out of all that performed, 60 in our case, and they get to perform it at the end of the day in front of hundreds of people! We won critic's choice and got to perform! I am so proud of my troupe! Great job everyone!

Here's the video for the act. Our troupe has so many talented people in it. We had gymnasts, singers, dancers, and more! I am the main singer. Enjoy!

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