Friday, March 22, 2013

One short day...

So, today I have the song "One Short Day" in my head! "One short day in the Emerald City! One short day in the emerald cityyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!" Oh my goodness! I can't get it out of my head!!!!

What musical is the song from?

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Guess what, guys?

Its Spring Break! I am totes gonna do some fun stuff. I have ten days without school, although I do admit I will miss my friends! Since its spring break, I may not post as much as you want me to. Sorry guys! :( Anyway, I love you all and I hope your spring break is fabulous! 


P.S. (to all jr. thespians) Please remember to practice your lines! Mrs. Molloy wants us to have the show memorized by the time we get back from spring break! 

Good Luck! Reno Sweeney ;)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Actress of the Week

Hey guys!

I wanted to let you know that every week, I will be featuring an actor or actress that I personally know or that is famous for their work.

This week's featured actress is (drumrole please)...


Emma is part of Jr. Thespians at her middle school and competes in theater competitions. She is currently playing the part Mrs. Harcourt in the musical Anything Goes. She is an AMAZING actress and the sweetest thing ever! Love ya, girl!

You're the Top!

Hey everyone!

So, today I worked on a song called "You're the Top" from the musical Anything Goes. My class is putting the musical on in my school. I play Reno Sweeney, a New York evangelist. She has a semi-crush on Billy Crocker, a stock investor's employee.

Billy (left) and Reno (right).
Anyway, I worked with my friends Ethan, Lucy, and Brandon. Even though we had a few glitches with the dancing and singing, we tried our best. Like a wise man once said, practice makes perfect! We will totes make it better by the time the show comes, which by the way I will be posting once I get a copy.

Kisses! XOXO

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Thespian Competition!

Hey guys!

So, my thespian troupe went to State Comp. in February. Guess what? WE GOT CRITIC'S CHOICE!! Some of you reading this probably don't know what that is. Well, when we compete, our troupe goes on stage and performs our act, whether it's a duet scene, a solo, or a pantomime. We were doing a large group musical called "The Circle of Life." You probably have heard of it. Its from "The Lion King." Anyway, the judges pick their favorite act out of all that performed, 60 in our case, and they get to perform it at the end of the day in front of hundreds of people! We won critic's choice and got to perform! I am so proud of my troupe! Great job everyone!

Here's the video for the act. Our troupe has so many talented people in it. We had gymnasts, singers, dancers, and more! I am the main singer. Enjoy!

First Post!

Hey everyone!

This is my first post in my blog Backstage: Actors Only! I am so excited to share all my awesome experiences with my audience. This could be an out-of-this-world blog, but only if I get input on my posting. Please feel free to comment and like my posts and pictures (Be responsible! The last thing I need is someone cursing on my blog).


Elliana Rogers